
Type 2 Diabetes – How Likely Is a Diabetic to Fall Into a Coma?

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Okay, the question about the likelihood of falling into a coma must cross every diabetics mind. The good news is, you are not very likely to fall into a coma. The bad news is, there is a realistic possibility of such an occurrence coming about.

Unfortunately, the blood sugar of a diabetic is not as normalized as that of a non-diabetic person, so there is the possibility of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia taking effect. In subsequent paragraphs, we’ll talk about a few symptoms that will give you advance warning as to whether a coma may be in your near future.

Since diabetic comas can be fatal, this information is worth paying attention to.

What is a diabetic coma? It is a reversible form of unconsciousness found in people with diabetes. It is classed as a medical emergency brought on by hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

1. Hypoglycemia is a state in which your blood sugar is too low. When it gets beyond a certain threshold, you lose consciousness and cannot be reawakened without medical treatment. Falling into a diabetic coma can actually kill you, especially if your blood sugar is critically low. Essentially, your cells need nourishment that they aren’t receiving, so they can’t function. Imagine eating plenty of food, but still essentially starving.

Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • being confused
  • having a racing heartbeat
  • being irritable, hostile or aggressive
  • nauseousness
  • hunger
  • sweating
  • fatigue, and
  • nervousness, possibly to the point of shaking

These symptoms need to be dealt with by eating something sweet, or by following the plan your doctor gives you for dealing with such a situation.

2. Hyperglycemia is when you have too much sugar in your blood. When you have too much sugar in there, your body becomes dehydrated and can’t function properly. That is why the number one symptom of high blood sugar is having way more thirst than you ought to. Since what goes in must come out, this thirst leads to an above average frequency of urination. Hyperglycemia also leads to:

  • fatigue
  • feeling nauseous and even vomiting
  • being short of breath with no apparent reason for it
  • having an elevated heart rate for no apparent reason
  • a pain in your stomach, and
  • a breath odor that smells like fruit

If you begin to feel any of the above symptoms, test your blood sugar immediately. If it’s not where it ought to be (based on your personal insight and your doctor’s decisions), follow your treatment plan. This might involve injecting some insulin, or eating something sweet, or a host of other things you might need to do. Basically, you have a very low chance of falling into a diabetic coma if you keep your doctor knowledgeable about what’s going on, then follow the instruction he or she gives you.

If you just trust your health to chance, however, chance will do with you whatever it likes and a diabetic coma could occur.



Optimum Diabetics Review

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Having diabetes can bring about many changes in your lifestyle. You need to eat different and take medications in order to stay healthy and this may seem like a hamper. But, Optimum Diabetics is a complete support system for people with diabetes. There are different things that your body is going to need when you have diabetes which means that you may need many different medications. But, when you are taking Optimum Diabetics you are going to find that you will have the balance that you need.

1. Vitamins And Minerals.

Your body needs a different amount of vitamins and minerals when you are a diabetic. The Optimum Diabetics formula is complete with the vitamins and minerals that you need and even herbal extracts as well. It is all natural and you are going to be able to get everything you need in one pill for the vitamins that you need instead of many. The diabetics health supplement can be a one stop shop for vitamins.

2. Balance Your Diet.

Maintaining a balanced diet is extremely important when you are diabetic and the Optimum Diabetics formula can help you to maintain that balance when you cannot always eat the right amounts or at the right times. It also has important Alpha Lipoic Acid which is very important to your body to maintain when you are diabetic. With the lifestyles that many of us lead today it can be hard to have that proper balance or to always eat at the right time of day. The diabetics health supplement will be able to keep you balanced when you cannot.

3. Healthy Living.

It may seem difficult to try and have a healthy lifestyle when you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Your first thought may be how you are going to keep it under control and still live your life. With Optimum Diabetics you are going to find that you will have better control over your life and be able to have a healthy lifestyle. Stop taking dozens of pills each day and narrow down what you need to take with Optimum Diabetics. Take less, enjoy life and get healthy.


Signs And Symptoms for Diabetic Individuals To Watch Out For

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There are increasing numbers of people suffering from this lifelong disease. The illness that this article is talking about is diabetes. It is true this illness is a lifelong burden to people who are diagnosed of having diabetes. If you are suspecting that you are suffering from diabetes, you do not have to waste time, you need to look for some symptoms and immediately consult your doctor. Once your body already shows diabetes symptoms signs, you need medical attention and lifestyle changes. Some diabetes symptoms are overlooked by many because they think that these symptoms are just minor. This is the reason why many people do not actually realize that they already had the disease until they are ill with other ailments caused by complications connected to diabetes.

Even if you do not have the disease, you need to learn more about these diseases because they will help you determine if the symptoms you are experiencing right now is caused by this ailment. Actually, there are three types of diabetes, if you will neglect your condition you will end up and the diseases can escalate immediately into very serious type three diabetes. One if the most common signs of diabetes are being thirsty all the time, tiredness, frequent urinating and nausea. If you are already suffering from any of these symptoms, it is better to see your doctor immediately. Although, these symptoms can be a cause of other illnesses, it is still important to consult your doctor.
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The signs of diabetes is not very specific that is why many people manage to love with the symptoms for many years but you need to immediately deal with t once you are diagnosed, because it will surely get worse. The symptoms that are very light will eventually get worst over time and your normal life will slowly deteriorate. There are patient that reverse their diabetes and still live longer, healthier and happy with their life. This is possible for all diabetes sufferers with the right kind of treatment and lifestyle changes. If you are already within the advance stage if diabetes, eth you will become dependent on insulin.

Even if you are already living with insulin shot every day, you can still remain healthy with the help if good diet, routine exercise and right medications. Although, diabetes is known as a diseases that you have to deal for life, but there are certain conditions that can put pregnant women into diabetes. Pregnant women can develop diabetes at the duration of her pregnancy and this condition is called “gestational diabetes”. The diabetes symptoms are also the same with normal diabetes sufferers, but these signs might be neglected because of all the happenings and changes that you feel within your body.

Any health related problem like diabetes, it is possible to alleviate its negative effect by dealing with it in a proper way with the help of professional doctors and medical practitioner who specializes in dealing with different types of diabetes. By doing this you can increase the quality of your life and live healthier and happier.



Gestational Diabetes: As If Being Pregnant Wasn’t Stressful Enough?

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Pregnancy can be many different things. It can be planned, or unplanned. It can be a time of great excitement and expectation. On the other hand, many women find the whole process to be daunting, and stressful. This is all normal, and can be seen as just part of the colorful world of the new parent. However, what if, on top of all this, you develop gestational diabetes? You find yourself with a condition you didn’t know you had, the consequences of which can be serious.

Gestational diabetes mellitus, to give its full name, or GDM, occurs in pregnant women with no past history of diabetes, who have high levels of glucose in their blood. Although there is no definite cause, hormones produced during pregnancy reduce the effectiveness of insulin in the body in controlling blood sugar levels. Ordinarily, the pregnant woman’s body produces extra insulin to deal with this. However, should it fail to do so, this can lead to gestational diabetes.

The symptoms of gestational diabetes are difficult to detect, as they are common features of most pregnancies. Excessive thirst, needing to urinate frequently, and tiredness are all common symptoms among pregnant women.

At the same time, the problems caused by gestational diabetes are similar to those faced by other diabetic mothers, and can be serious. There is an increased risk of premature birth. The baby tends to be large for its gestational age, and during the birth, this can lead to shoulder dystocia. This is a situation where the baby’s head is delivered but the shoulder gets stuck, and is an emergency situation. The baby also has an increased risk of jaundice, low blood sugar levels, and possible future problems with obesity and diabetes. There is also a risk of pre-eclampsia (a condition that can affect the health of the baby), and caesarean delivery. Usually, the mother is fine once the baby is born.

The good news is that it is treatable. Introducing changes to the diet, maintaining blood glucose levels, and using insulin therapy (if necessary); will reduce the risks to mother and baby.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes include its occurrence in a previous pregnancy, and any family history of type 2 diabetes. Older women, certain ethnic groups, and obese women, are all more likely to develop it. However, around half of all women who develop the condition have none of these risk factors at all.

Diagnosis is a staged process. A glucose challenge test may be used at around 24 weeks into the pregnancy to check for possible gestational diabetes. Following no food being eaten overnight, a glucose drink is given, and samples taken at intervals to test the body’s reaction to it. This can highlight the need for further testing, namely a glucose tolerance test, which is more involved and gives a more definitive result.

Between 2% and 5% of all mothers develop gestational diabetes, making it one of the most common health complaints during pregnancy. Screening for it would seem to be an obvious idea. With symptoms which are similar to any other pregnancy, it is a difficult condition to diagnose, and yet it can have life threatening consequences.


Managing Type 1 Diabetes

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Your health is nothing to take lightly. If you suffer from diabetes you need to pay special attention. No matter what type of diabetes you have, you will have lost the capacity to process sugar correctly. As a result, your blood sugar levels increase and you will need to lower them with the right medication, exercise and diet. Here’s more information.

Type 1 diabetes need to exercise regularly. Weight control is a very important issue for this disease. When you exercise you increase the glucose in the muscles and this lowers blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that can’t be prevented. However, it may be possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes.

There is no proven link between the prevention of the onset of Type 2 diabetes and the use of exercise but research and common sense indicate that we just haven’t found it yet. Exercise helps everything. It aides in maintaining insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. Research has shown that just 30 minutes of steady exercise has been indicated to have positive effects when it comes to preventing Type 2 diabetes. Don’t think you have to workout like an Olympian to benefit, just take a brisk walk every day.The side effects of diabetes are debilitating. They include circulatory disorders and high blood pressure. Fortunately, they can be improved with regular exercise. If you do suffer from low blood sugar, be sure to monitor it when you’re exercising. If it becomes too low you could get hypoglycemia. If you are performing strenuous exercise, be sure to take along a cereal bar, fruit or juice with you just in case. Be aware of how you are feeling throughout your workout.If you’re not working out and experience symptoms like perspiring, elevated heart rate and breathlessness they can be an indication that your blood sugar is too low. If you’re a diabetic you have to always be conscious of how you are feeling your potential to become hypoglycemic.Everyone values their good health and needs to maintain a lifestyle revolving around a proper diet and regular exercise, especially diabetics. With the right behavioral changes, diabetics can often reduce or eliminate their need for medication.



Type 2 Diabetes – Can’t Hypoglycemics Just Eat Lots of Sugar?

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If you or somebody you know suffers from hypoglycemia, you know that boiled down, it’s basically just not having enough sugar in your blood to run things properly. Really, being hypoglycemic is one of the least threatening side effects of diabetes, Type 1 or Type 2, because all you have to do is monitor your blood sugar levels, and eat some (but only a little) sweet things when it begins to drift downwards.

Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, occurs when your blood glucose falls below normal levels. So this begs the question that if your blood sugar is too low, can’t you just eat a lot of sugar and reset things? The sad fact is, very few things in life are ever that simple. And there are actually two reasons for this, which we’ll get into now.

First off, hypoglycemia is a condition in which sugar drifts too low because of metabolic reasons. Your diet may be no different from millions of other people in the world who look completely the same as you. Members of your own family may eat exactly as you do, and have perfectly normal blood sugar. Sometimes in life, you are just dealt a bad hand, and you have to play it to the best of your ability. In the case of hypoglycemia, you have to grin and bear the fact that your blood sugar is going to drop faster and less predictably than other people’s. However, all hope isn’t lost at all.

The second reason why you can’t just eat lots and lots of sugar is because sugar isn’t stored that way. It can be stored as fat, but only before it reaches your blood stream. Once it’s in your blood, sugar becomes a wrecking crew tearing through your system causing damage that you might not see in the short term, but that can have dire consequences in the long term. If you ate large amounts of sugar, you wouldn’t be “socking it away” for a later time… you would just be causing yourself damage, and increasing your short term need for insulin. This need would basically negate your attempts to fix the problem, which would put you back at square one.

How to beat hypoglycemia: As frustrating as it is, your only hope to beat hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, is to moderate your sugar intake, and to keep up to date (sometimes down to the hour) with your blood sugar levels. Eating low GI foods in moderate quantities (such as a small meal every 2 hours or so), is the best anyone has been able to find for keeping hypoglycemic blood sugar levels stable and healthy. Whatever you do, don’t OD on sugar!



Type 2 Diabetes – Maybe Hypoglycemia Does Not Always Apply to Diabetes!

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If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve been starving, hypoglycemia is most likely more familiar to you than you would like. However, you can actually develop this problem even if you eat meals on a regular basis.

For some people, their overabundance of insulin can trigger their blood to absorb their sugar rapidly, and still want for more. Unfortunately, just as it is possible to have too much of a good thing, it is just as easy to have too little of it. This is a bizarre sort of seesaw, as your blood sugar and your insulin levels should ideally be in a state of perfect balance.

The bad news is, this is often not the case. Sometimes your body just does not quite respond as you would expect (or like), it to. The good news is that short-term hypoglycemia has no lasting effects on your brain or your body. Unfortunately, in many people’s cases the tendency is genetic, and needs to be kept from being harmful through carefully moderating their diets. But of course, there is the additional bad news in that long-term hypoglycemia can:

  • impair your mental faculties
  • reduce your ability to control your body, and
  • even cause you to lose consciousness and slip into a type of coma

Your body needs to use all of the sugar it gets, after all, and not using it well causes problems.

Hypoglycemia can also be a warning sign of an illness that is based in one of your internal organs. There are ample occasions in which hypoglycemia acts as a sort of signal that a worse ailment is present.

For instance, the over-production of insulin that we talked about earlier is officially known as hyperinsulinism.

You may also have an insulin-secreting pancreatic tumor, or an adrenal insufficiency. You may even have hypopituitarism, in which the pituitary gland may not be producing enough of one or more of its hormones to maintain your body’s internal balance.

While it may not be the worst thing that can happen inside your body, hypoglycemia is a fairly serious issue to have. Consider that it is essentially your body shutting down, just because it lacks the sugar it needs. Consider that the manifestations of this ailment are fairly large and frequent. The hypoglycemic person tends to be:

  • shaky
  • anxious and
  • nervous

They also tend to have heart palpitations, and heart problems such as tachycardia and palpitations, as well as feeling cold, clammy and having pallor.

A person having andrenergic manifestations can also feel warmer than might seem reasonable, as well as having a:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • intense hunger, and
  • the simultaneous “pins and needles” feeling that people report

Once you know how to spot hypoglycemia, you’ll know to just deal with it yourself and move on with your life.

It is possible to have low blood sugar levels without having diabetes. After your doctor checks your records and suspects more than Type 2 diabetes, he will order blood tests to measure your blood sugar and insulin levels, plus any other chemicals that play a part in your body’s energy use.
