Selected Frequently Asked Questions About Glucose And Diabetes
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Diabetes just like high blood pressure and heart disease is a chronic disease that affects millions of people all across the globe. In fact millions more people are living with diabetes without knowing it. When left unchecked diabetes can even cause loss of sight, limp loss through amputations and may cause other existing diseases to deteriorate rapidly such as high blood pressure, heart disease and even kidney disease. The following are some questions often asked about glucose and diabetes;
What Is Glucose Monitoring?
Glucose monitoring involves a keeping watch of the levels of blood glucose. This prevents a diabetic condition from deteriorating any further. It helps diabetes patients to be in control of a diabetic condition. Results of a glucose monitoring will inform what food one eats, the activities they engage in and the medications they need to take. Using a blood meter a patient pricks the tip of a finger with a special device to obtain a blood sample which the meter uses to interpret blood sugar levels.
What Is Whole Blood and Plasma Calibration?
This is a simple concept which yet confuses many that is used to define how blood glucose is measured. A blood glucose meter can be calibrated to measure glucose levels in the blood using whole blood or plasma. Plasma is a part of whole blood. Plasma calibrated measurements are often used in labs.
Both whole blood and plasma measurements numerically point to one and the same thing. It is best understood as temperature measurements. temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. Both mean the same thing in as giving us an understanding of the accurate state of the weather.
What Is Continuous Glucose Monitoring?
A fairly new technique, CGM as it is also known in short involves the insertion of a tiny device under the skin to continuously provide glucose levels for days on end and even up to a week. This device sends signals to yet another device that is attached to the belt like a pager of the patient. This does not eliminate the need for a standard meter. The user will still need it to take a sample of their blood in order to program the CGM device.
These are some of the often asked questions about diabetes and glucose. It needs to be remembered that diabetes is a chronic disease which can be managed for a life time. Monitoring and measurement is only but a part. A lot more depends on what a person eats, exercise and so on. Our eating habits will need to change to accommodate a diabetic condition.