Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurveda is a natural way to stimulate adult stem cells to regenerate damaged tissues is explained as “KSHEERA DADHI NYAYA” in ayurveda,5000years back.
Body-senses-mind & soul are the integral parts of human biological system. And body is a complex of Doshas-Dhatus & Malas; these are grosser manifestations of Panchamahabhuta.
The dhatus form the basic stuff of the body – tissues. These are of two categories –Sthayee & Asthayee & generic types of these dhatus are 7. The presence of Sthayee dhatus controls the architecting of Asthayee dhatus throughout life from the available nutrients in the human system with the help of Agni, transporting mechanisms.
If due to deficiency of any nutrition/ in any chronic disease condition any kinds of dhatu get depleted then with the help of Rasayana therapy the process of formation of that particular dhatu/ dhatus is stimulated.
These Sthayee dhatus are stem cell in modern terms & in Ayurveda system of medicines the applied aspect of this concept is elaborately discussed & used therapeutically & as preventive measures for various diseases & as an anti-ageing modality.
Rejuvenation, The Panchakarma therapeutic techniques and Traditional treatments that were used by kings-queens & allied persons in Olden Days are the most powerful methods to utilize the nutrients available within the body systems, to preserve physical-vital-energy and to save the body from decay & rejuvenation as well. Latest scientific research has confirmed findings of stem cells at the routes/systems that are touched/ reactivated following the Panchakarma technique.for more log on www.vedantayurveda.com
The physiological-psychological- nature can be transformed to retard the ageing process,health state for ever & steping towards immortility by revealing spritituality .
POSTED ON September 27, 2010,