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Smoking Is a Big Problem for Youth With Diabetes

Smoking is practiced were the cigarette is burned, inhaled and exhaled. In ancient times it was used in rituals but as in modern age it is commonly used to relieve stress. There are many diseases which can be associated with this practice and now scientist believes it is also linked to diabetes.

According to the study which was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases, conducted the research on 3,466 diabetic children and young adult with the age group of 10 to 22 years old. The study found out that about 10 percent of children and adolescence were already consuming tobacco products. To make things worse, most of them are already given some counseling by a health professional to halt smoking.

The study shows that there are smokers who are suffering from heart diseases. The majority of youths are not active compared to those who aren’t smoking.

The threat of smoking for diabetes can be prevented if the individual has the will to stop smoking slowly. Researchers believe that quitting smoking may result into obesity which may aggravate diabetes even more. It is important that smokers who want to quit should also watched their weight as obesity is regularly tied to diabetes and other diseases.

The general rule to have a healthy life is not to start smoking. Smoking will only bring disease which may cause your death

POSTED ON February 13, 2011, ,