The Rapid Rise In Diabetes
I’m sure you’ve already heard that there is a rapid rise in diabetes all around the world. In fact, the numbers boggle the mind when you start to really study them. First of all, type 2 diabetes didn’t even exist before the 1920’s and did not exist until artificial oils were introduced into the food supply on a grand scale. Doctors were totally perplexed with it started showing up and there is a full discussion of this when you start digging into the literature. The political discourse about this before World War 2 is also very telling. By the end of the 1930’s, type 2 diabetes had risen a staggering 1000%! Now, only about 90 years later, we are told by the CDC that approximately 23.6 million people have diabetes in the United States. Another 57 million have “pre-diabetes” which is just another way of saying that their blood sugar levels are just below the official mark for diabetes.
By several accounts, one third to one half of the American population is expected to have diabetes in the next few decades. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that 7 million more people develop diabetes every year. Wow! Shouldn’t this be front page news in every major newspaper worldwide? Most of these cases of diabetes are of the type 2 variety and remember that type 2 diabetes didn’t even exist before 1920.
There is no doubt we live in a scarier world than our Grandparents grew up in. Almost every time you turn on the news you hear about someone getting shot, raped, or otherwise violently attacked. We are constantly bombarded with news about terrorist attacks, school shootings, and serial killers. This no doubt accounts for why we are so much more vigilant than our Grandparents had to be when they were kids. It’s a totally different world as they say. But… are we being as vigilant as we should be about our current health crisis? Have we become desensitized when it comes to our health?
What I don’t understand is why there isn’t more of a public outcry about the rise in diabetes and other serious medical conditions that are skyrocketing completely out of control. Why do we sit back and so passively accept this rise in diabetes? Shouldn’t we do something about it? I truly believe people need to wake up to reality and begin to question why diseases like diabetes have risen so much and why they are rising even faster now than they did only a few decades ago.
So much of what is going on with the rising rate of diabetes can be tracked to the artificial foods and other crazy things that are going on with our food supply. Why aren’t citizens demanding that our government take appropriate action to prevent this? Why does the USDA allow these artificial substances to be added to our food without them being thoroughly tested? Artificial foods are totally taking over the grocery shelves. Our bodies are not at all designed to handle this artificial food and it’s no wonder that we are developing diabetes and other serious diseases at alarming rates. If you buy pre-packaged or processed of any kind, you are almost certainly eating this artificial food. If you eat out, you are almost certainly getting it too. Even some of the food that is marketed as being extra healthy is actually artificial food. You could almost think of it as a grand scale experiment and the results do not look good for the human race.
POSTED ON September 30, 2010,